IF you are one or two divers/ 單人或少人數適用fundive 計畫 |
1 shore dive with own equipment (including air and diveguide) 每岸潛含氣瓶導潛(不含裝備) 如單場潛水僅1人且1:1 則1500元/隻(含氣瓶、導潛) If there is only 1 person for a single dive and 1:1 is 1500 NTD/piece (including air, dive guide) |
900/per person 900/每人 1500/ 1:1 dive. person |
1 shore (Night)dive with own equipment (including air and diveguide) 每岸潛含氣瓶導潛(不含裝備) |
1000/person 1000/每人 |
one-on-one BoatDiving (including two dive、air and diveguide) 1對1 船潛(包含 兩支氣瓶與導潛) |
4500/person 4500/每人 |
above activities Air chenges to Nitrox. 以上活動,氣瓶更換成高氧 |
Add 200 NTD/ per dive. 每潛增加200元 |
If you are a multi-person or a group Fundive/ 多人或團體適用 |
Click here to edit. |
Air Tank 空氣氣瓶 |
Click here to edit. |
Nitrox Tank 高氧氣瓶 |
Click here to edit. |
Dive Guide 導潛 |
Click here to edit. |
Rental equipment (per 1/2 day) 裝備租借(每半天計算) |
Whole set equipment( not including diving computer) 全套裝備(不包含電腦表) |
600 |
Diving computer 電腦表 |
100 |
200 |
Regulator 調節器 |
200 |
Mask 面鏡 |
100 |
Boots 潛水鞋 |
100 |
Wetsuit 防寒衣 |
100 |
關注我們: |
安欣立娛樂有限公司 統一編號: 42582231 |
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